NWHAT WENT WRONG? exercises ask students to identify typical errors in solu-
tions and work the problems correctly. (See pages 208 and 398.)
NBrain Bustersexercises challenge students to go beyond the section examples.
(See pages 119 and 455.)
N exercises help students tie together topics and develop
problem-solving skills as they compare and contrast ideas, identify and describe
patterns, and extend concepts to new situations. These exercises make great collabo-
rative activities for pairs or small groups of students. (See pages 209 and 539.)
N exercises provide an opportunity for students to
interpret typical results seen on graphing calculator screens. Actual screens from
the TI-83/84 Plus graphing calculator are featured. (See pages 256 and 263.)
N allow students to reviewpreviously-studied concepts
and previewskills needed for the upcoming section. These make good oral warm-
up exercises to open class discussions. (See pages 257 and 367.)
Special Summary Exercises We include a set of these popular in-chapter exer-
cises in every chapter. They provide students with the all-important mixedreview
problemsthey need to master topics and often include summaries of solution meth-
ods and/or additional examples. (See pages 311 and 465.)
Extensive Review Opportunities We conclude each chapter with the following
review components:
NA Chapter Summarythat features a helpful list of Key Terms,organized by
section, New Symbols, Test Your Word Powervocabulary quiz (with answers
immediately following), and a Quick Reviewof each section’s contents, com-
plete with additional examples (See pages 238–241.)
NA comprehensive set of Chapter Review Exercises,keyed to individual sections
for easy student reference, as well as a set of Mixed Review Exercisesthat helps
students further synthesize concepts (See pages 241–244.)
NA Chapter Testthat students can take under test conditions to see how well they
have mastered the chapter material (See pages 244–245.)
NA set of Cumulative Review Exercises(beginning in Chapter 2) that covers ma-
terial going back to Chapter 1 (See page 246.)
GlossaryFor easy reference at the back of the book, we include a comprehensive glos-
sary featuring key terms and definitions from throughout the text. (See pages G-1 to G-5.)
For a comprehensive list of the supplements and study aids that accompany
Beginning Algebra,Eleventh Edition, see pages xvi–xviii.
The comments, criticisms, and suggestions of users, nonusers, instructors, and stu-
dents have positively shaped this textbook over the years, and we are most grateful for
the many responses we have received. Thanks to the following people for their review
work, feedback, assistance at various meetings, and additional media contributions:
xiv Preface