Geometry with Trigonometry

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Sec. 6.3 Cartesian equation of a line 87

Note thatb=0, asb=0wouldimplya=0 here. On inserting these values foraand
cabove we see thatZ∈lif and only if

−b(y 1 −y 0 )
x 1 −x 0


−b(x 1 y 0 −x 0 y 1 )
x 1 −x 0

= 0 ,

and so asb/(x 1 −x 0 )=0, if and only if

−(y 1 −y 0 )x+(x 1 −x 0 )y−x 1 y 0 +x 0 y 1 = 0.

This is equivalent to the stated equation.
CASE 2. Lety 0 =y 1. We rewrite our equations as

by 1 +c=−ax 1 ,

by 0 +c=−ax 0 ,

and note that, asy 1 −y 0 =0, by 6.2.1 we must have


−a(x 1 −x 0 )
y 1 −y 0


−a(y 1 x 0 −y 0 x 1 )
y 1 −y 0


Note thata=0, asa=0wouldimplyb=0 here. On inserting these values forband
cabove we see thatZ∈lif and only if


−a(x 1 −x 0 )
y 1 −y 0


−a(y 1 x 0 −y 0 x 1 )
y 1 −y 0

= 0 ,

and so as−a/(y 1 −y 0 )=0, if and only if

−(y 1 −y 0 )x+(x 1 −x 0 )y−x 1 y 0 +x 0 y 1 = 0.

This is equivalent to the stated equation.
Now either CASE 1 or CASE 2 (or both) must hold, as otherwise we havex 0 =
x 1 ,y 0 =y 1 and soZ 0 =Z 1 , contrary to what is given.

Definition.Ifl∈Λandl={Z≡(x,y):ax+by+c= 0 }, we callax+by+c= 0
aCartesian equationoflrelative toF, and we writel≡Fax+by+c=0. When
Fcan be understood we relax this tol≡ax+by+c=0.

Let l∈Λbe a line, with Cartesian equation
ax+by+c= 0.

Then l also has
a 1 x+b 1 y+c 1 = 0 ,

as an equation if and only if
a 1 =ja,b 1 =jb,c 1 =jc,

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