Geometry with Trigonometry

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Sec. 7.3 Formula for mid-line of an angle-support 107

Proof.Letlandmbe the perpendicular bisectors of[B,C]and[C,A], respectively.
Then if we hadl‖mwe would havel‖m,m⊥CAand sol⊥CAby 5.1.1; this would
yieldBC⊥l,CA⊥land soBC‖CAby 4.2.2(iv). This would make the pointsA,B,C
collinear and so give a contradiction.
Thuslmust meetmin a unique point,Dsay. Then by 4.1.1(iii)Dis equidistant
fromBandCas it is onl, and it is equidistant fromCandAas it is onm. Thus the
circle with centreDand length of radius|D,A|passes throughA,BandC.
Conversely, suppose that a circle passes throughA,BandC. Then by 4.1.1(ii) its
centre must be onland onmandsoitmustbeD. The length of radius then must be

COROLLARY.Two distinct circles cannot have more than two points in common.

7.3 Formula for mid-line of an angle-support ...............

7.3.1 .....................................

COMMENT. We now start to prepare the ground for our treatment of angles. Earlier
on we found that mid-points have a considerable role. Now we shall find that mid-
lines of angle-supports, dealt with in 3.6, have a prominent role as well. Given any
angle-support|BAC, if we take any numberk>0 there are unique pointsP 1 andP 2 on
[A,Band[A,Crespectively, such that|A,P 1 |=k,|A,P 2 |=k. ThusP 1 andP 2 are the
points of[A,Band[A,Con the circleC(A;k).Then|BAC=|P 1 AP 2 and it is far more
convenient to work with the latter form. We first prove a result which will enable us
to deal with the mid-lines of angle-supports by means of Cartesian coordinates.

With a frame of referenceF=([O,I,[O,J),let P 1 ,P 2 ∈C(O;1)be such that
P 1 ≡F(a 1 ,b 1 ),P 2 ≡F(a 2 ,b 2 ). Then the mid-line l of|P 1 OP 2 has equation

(b 1 +b 2 )x−(a 1 +a 2 )y= 0

when P 1 and P 2 are not diametrically opposite, and equation a 1 x+b 1 y= 0 when they

Proof.WhenP 1 andP 2 are not diamet-
rically opposite, their mid-pointMis
notOand we havel=OM.AsMhas

( 1

2 (a^1 +a^2 ),

2 (b^1 +b^2 )



the line OM has equation
(b 1 +b 2 )x−(a 1 +a 2 )y=0. WhenP 1
is diametrically opposite toP 2 ,lis the
line throughOwhich is perpendicular
toOPand this has the given equation.

P 1

P 2

P 3




Figure 7.3.
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