Geometry with Trigonometry

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Sec. 7.6 Sensed distances 117

7.6.2 Sensed products and a circle......................

The conclusion of 7.4.2 can be strengthened to replace|P,R||P,S|byPRPS. In fact
the initial analytic proof gives this but it also easily follows from the stated result as
PRPS=−|P,R||P,S|whenPis interior to the circle whilePRPS=|P,R||P,S|when
Pis exterior to the circle. We now look to a converse type of result.
Suppose that Z 1 ,Z 2 and Z 3 are fixed non-collinear points. For a variable point W
let Z 1 W meet Z 2 Z 3 at W′and

W′WW′Z 1 =W′Z 2 W′Z 3.

Then W lies on the circle which passes through Z 1 ,Z 2 and Z 3.

Proof. Without loss of generality
we may take our frame of refer-
ence so thatZ 1 ≡( 0 ,y 1 ), Z 2 ≡
(x 2 , 0 ), Z 3 ≡(x 3 , 0 ),andwe
takeW≡(u,v),W′≡(u′, 0 ).

Z 1

Z 2 Z 3



Figure 7.9.
Then it is easily found thatu′=y 1 u/(y 1 −v), and so, first of all,

W′Z 2 W′Z 3 =


x 2 −

y 1 u
y 1 −v


x 3 −

y 1 u
y 1 −v



The lineW′Whas parametric equationsx=u′+s(u−u′),y= 0 +s(v− 0 ), withs= 0
givingW′ands=1givingW. ThusW′W=|W′,W|. The pointZ 1 has parameter
given byy 1 =svand sos=y 1 /v;thenW′Z 1 =yv^1 |W′,W|. It follows that

W′WW′Z 1 =

y 1

|W′,W|^2 =

y 1



y 1 u
y 1 −v

) 2



=y 1 v


y 1 −v

) 2

+ 1



On equating the two expressions we have
x 2 −

y 1 u
y 1 −v


x 3 −

y 1 u
y 1 −v


=y 1 v


y 1 −v

) 2

+ 1



which we re-write as

y 1 u^2 (y 1 −v)
(y 1 −v)^2

=y 1 v−x 2 x 3 +

y 1 (x 2 +x 3 )u
y 1 −v


On multiplying across byy 1 −vwe obtain

y 1 (u^2 +v^2 )−y 1 (x 2 +x 3 )u−(y^21 +x 2 x 3 )v+y 1 x 2 x 3 = 0 ,

and this is the equation of a circle.

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