Geometry with Trigonometry

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

152 Complex coordinates; sensed angles; angles between lines Ch. 10

Let l be the line Z 0 Z 1 ,Z 0 ∼Fz,F′=tO,Z 0 (F),I 0 =tO,Z 0 (I)andα=∠F′I 0 Z 0 Z 1.
Then sl(Z)=Z′where

Z∼Fz,Z′∼Fz′,z′−z 0 =(z ̄−z ̄ 0 )cis 2α,

so that slhas the real coordinates form

x′−x 0 =cos2α.(x−x 0 )+sin2α.(y−y 0 ),
y′−y 0 =sin2α.(x−x 0 )−cos2α.(y−y 0 ),

and so has the matrix form
x′−x 0
y′−y 0




cos2α sin2α
sin2α −cos2α


x−x 0
y−y 0



Proof. To find a formula forZ′=sl(Z)we first show that ifW=πl(Z)andW∼F

w−z 0 =ℜ


z−z 0
z 1 −z 0


(z 1 −z 0 ),z−w=ıℑ


z−z 0
z 1 −z 0

(z 1 −z 0 )



To start on this we note that

z−z 0 =

z−z 0
z 1 −z 0

(z 1 −z 0 )=


z−z 0
z 1 −z 0


(z 1 −z 0 )+ı


z−z 0
z 1 −z 0


(z 1 −z 0 ).

If we now definewby

w−z 0 =


z−z 0
z 1 −z 0


(z 1 −z 0 )

thenW∈Z 0 Z 1 asw−z 0 is a real multiple ofz 1 −z 0 .Butthen



z−z 0
z 1 −z 0


(z 1 −z 0 ),

soWis on a line throughZwhich is perpendicular toZ 0 Z 1. ThusWis the foot of the
perpendicular fromZtoZ 0 Z 1.
From this, asz′+z= 2 w,wehavez′−z=z′−w−(z−w)=− 2 (z−w)so

z′−z=− 2 ı


z−z 0
z 1 −z 0


(z 1 −z 0 ).

Asz 1 −z 0 =kcisαfor somek>0, we then have

z′−z=− 2 ı




kcisα=− 2 ı{ℑ[(z−z 0 )cis(−α)]}cisα

=−[(z−z 0 )cis(−α)−(z ̄−z ̄ 0 )cisα]cisα=−(z−z 0 )+( ̄z−z ̄ 0 )cis 2α
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