Geometry with Trigonometry

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Sec. 11.7 Some well-known theorems 227

Recalling from 11.6.5 that the incentreZ 15 has complex coordinate

z 15 =z 2 +

p 1 +

p^21 +q^21 +q 1 ı

1 +

p^21 +q^21 +

(p 1 − 1 )^2 +q^21

(z 3 −z 2 ),

we re-write this as

z 15 −z 2





1 +

p^21 +q^21 −

(p 1 − 1 )^2 +q^21


⎣ 1 + q^1 ı
p 1 +

p^21 +q^21

⎦(z 3 −z 2 )



2 q 1


1 +

p^21 +q^21 −

(p 1 − 1 )^2 +q^21


q 1 +


p^21 +q^21 −p 1




(z 3 −z 2 ).

From this, the footZ 20 of the perpendicular from the incentreZ 15 to the lineZ 2 Z 3 has
complex coordinate

z 20 =z 2 +


2 q 1


1 +

p^21 +q^21 −

(p 1 − 1 )^2 +q^21


q 1 (z 3 −z 2 ) (11.7.2)

and sothe length of radius of the incircle is equal to



1 +

p^21 +q^21 −

(p 1 − 1 )^2 +q^21


p^21 +q^21 −p 1


. (11.7.3)

We denote this radius length byr 2.

With these preparatory re-
sults, we can now show
thatthe nine-point circle
and the incircle meet at
just one point and they
have a common tangent


Z 11

Z 1

Z 2

Z 3

Z′ 16

Z 4

Z 5

Z 6 Z^8

Z 9

Z 10 =Z 18

Z 17

Z 19

Figure 11.17. Feuerbach’s theorem.
It is clear from diagrams thatr 1 >r 2 and known from earlier proofs. We will first
give the proof in this case and then a proof thatr 4 ≥r 1 cannot occur.
The half-line[Z 16 ′,Z 15 has pointsZ=Z′ 16 +s(Z 15 −Z 16 ′)wheres≥0 and will
meet the nine-point circle at a point

z 21 =z′ 16 +

r 1
|z 15 −z′ 16 |

(z 15 −z′ 16 ).
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