Geometry with Trigonometry

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

20 Preliminaries Ch. 1

1.6.2 Classical algebra

We need a knowledge of the real number system and the complex number system, and
the classical algebra involving these, up to dealing with quadratic equations and two
simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns. For this very elementary material
there is an ample provision of textbooks entitledCollege Algebraby international

1.6.3 Otheralgebra

For matrices and determinants we refer to Smith [12, pages 95 – 124] and McGregor,
Nimmo and Stothers [11, pages 243 – 278], and for the little that we use on group
theory to Smith [12, pages 125 – 152].

1.6.4 Distinctivepropertyofrealnumbersamongfields

For the properties that distinguish the field of real numbers from other ordered fields,
we refer to Smith [12, pages 153 – 196].

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