The Solar System

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

gravitationally so that the orbits they now occupy may diff er
signifi cantly from their earlier orbits.
Th e complex orbital relationships of Saturn’s moons and
their evidently intense cratering suggest that the moons have
interacted and may have collided with each other, with comets,
and with large planetesimals in the past. Nevertheless, as with
Jupiter’s moons, astronomers hypothesize that most or all of
Saturn’s regular moons formed with the planet and that the
irregular moons are captured. As you continue your exploration
of the outer solar system, you can be alert for the presence of
more such small, icy worlds.

up dark, silicon- and carbon-rich material on its leading side. Th e
source of the material covering the leading side of Iapetus could
be meteorites striking and eroding the carbonaceous surface of
the outermost moon, Phoebe, and tossing the resulting dust into
space to be scooped up eventually by Iapetus.
Another odd feature on Iapetus shows up in Cassini images—an
equatorial ridge that stands as high as 13 km (8 mi) in some places.
You can see the ridge clearly in Figure 23-21. Th e origin of this
ridge is unknown, but it is not a minor feature. At that height, it is
over 50 percent higher than Mount Everest, and it extends for a
long distance across the surface. Th at is a big pile of rock and ice.
Th e ridge sits atop an equatorial bulge, and both ridge and bulge
may have formed when Iapetus was young, spun rapidly, and was
still mostly molten.
Saturn’s moons illustrate a number of principles of compara-
tive planetology. Small moons are irregular in shape, and old
surfaces are dark and cratered. Resonances can trigger tidal heat-
ing, and that can in turn resurface moons and outgas atmo-
spheres. Small moons can’t keep atmospheres, but big, cold
moons can. You are an expert in all of this, so you are ready to
wonder where the moons came from.

The Origin of Saturn’s Moons

Jupiter’s four Galilean satellites seem clearly related to one
another, and you can safely conclude that they formed with
Jupiter. No such simple relationships link Saturn’s satellites. Th at
seems to indicate that, unlike Jupiter, Saturn was not enough of
a heat source during that system’s formation to cause the densi-
ties of its regular moons to follow the condensation sequence.
Planetary scientists also suspect that comet impacts have so badly
fractured the regular moons that they no longer show much evi-
dence of their common origin. Understanding the origin of
Saturn’s moons is also diffi cult because the moons interact

What features on Enceladus suggest that it has been active?
This argument is based on comparative planetology applied, in this
case, to moons. The smaller moons of Saturn are icy worlds battered
by impact craters, and you can suspect that they are cold and old.
Small worlds lose their heat quickly; and, with no internal heat,
there is no geological activity to erase impact craters. A small,
icy world covered with craters is exactly what you would expect in
the outer solar system. Enceladus, however, is peculiar. Although
it is small and icy, its surface is highly refl ective, and some areas
contain fewer craters than you would expect. In fact, some regions
seem almost free of craters. Grooves and faults mark some regions
of the little moon and suggest motion in the crust. These features
should have been destroyed long ago by impact cratering, so you
must suppose that the moon has been geologically active at some
time since the end of the heavy bombardment at the conclusion of
planet building. The water vents discovered at the south pole of
Enceladus show the moon is still active.
If you look at Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, you see quite a
different world. Build an argument based on a different principle
of comparative planetology. How can such a small world as Titan
keep a thick atmosphere?


What Are We? Basic Scientists

People often describe science that has no
known practical value as basic science or
basic research. The exploration of distant
worlds would be called basic science, and it
is easy to argue that basic science is not
worth the effort and expense because it has
no known practical use. Of course, the
problem is that no one has any way of
knowing what knowledge will be of use until
that knowledge is acquired.
In the middle of the 19th century,
Queen Victoria asked physicist Michael
Faraday what good his experiments with

electricity and magnetism were. He
answered, “Madam, what good is a baby?”
Of course, Faraday’s experiments were the
beginning of the electronic age. Many of
the practical uses of scientifi c knowledge
that fi ll your world—digital electronics,
synthetic materials, modern vaccines—
began as basic research. Basic scientifi c
research provides the raw materials that
technology and engineering use to solve
problems, so to protect its future, the
human race must continue its struggle to
understand how nature works.

Basic scientifi c research has yet one
more important use that is so valuable it
seems an insult to refer to it as merely
practical. Science is the study of nature, and
as you learn more about how nature works,
you learn more about what your existence in
this universe means. The seemingly
impractical knowledge gained from space
probes visiting other worlds tells you about
your own planet and your own role in the
scheme of nature. Science tells us where we
are and what we are, and that knowledge is
beyond value.
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