Meteors, 404 –405
composition of, 552–556
misconception about, 558
orbits of, 556–558
origin of, 558–559
radiant and, 556
sporadic, 557
Meteor showers, 556 –558
Metric system, 2
Microlensing, 418
Micrometeorites, 444, 447
Midocean rises, 432, 434
Milankovitch, Milutin, 26
Milankovitch hypothesis, 26 –27, 438
Milky Way, 6 , 176
Milky Way Galaxy, 6 , 176
collisions of, 180
in fi eld of view, 5–6
origins, 176–177
spiral arms of, 6
Miller, Stanley, 587
Miller experiment, 587 –588
Miranda, 537–538
Misconceptions, common
asteroid, 401, 562
aurora, 160
comet, 565
Earth atmosphere, 436, 437, 438
Earth size, 54
eclipses, 42
galaxy/solar system/universe, 6
Galileo, 67
global warming, 438
gravity, 82, 87
Jovian planet, 495, 531
lava, 452
life, 589
LY, 4–5
matter, 124
meteor, 558
moon, 32, 39, 87
natural selection, 586
nuclear fusion, 152
radiation, 99
radio wave, 100
seasons, 22
skepticism, 419
solar nebula, 408
star brightness, 19
star size, 5
theory, 66
universe, 6
atomic, 123–124
Babcock, 158–159
Copernicus’, 58
mathematical, 172
planetary nebulae, 172, 174
scientifi c, 19
stellar, 173
Momentum, 79
age of, 406–407, 450–451
angular diameter of, 38–39
Apollo missions to, 445, 448–450
atmosphere regarding, 443–444
cooling of, 454
cratering of, 444, 446–447, 451, 452
cycle/phases of, 32–33, 34–35
Earth view of, 443–445, 446–447
fl ooding and, 452–453
history of, 444–445, 451–454
jumbled terrain on, 453
late heavy bombardment of, 452
life regarding, 593
lunar eclipses and, 33, 36–37
magma ocean and, 451–452
Mercury compared with, 455–456,
458–459, 461
misconceptions about, 32, 39, 87
motion of, 32, 35
origin of, 454–455
predicting eclipses and, 43–46
profi le, 443
rocks of, 450–451
solar eclipse and, 39–40
terrain of, 444
tides and, 87–88
Galilean, 68, 509–510
of Jupiter, 68, 503–510
of Mars, 489–490
of Neptune, 533, 536, 542–543
of Saturn, 517–522
of Uranus, 533, 536–538
Morning star, 22
Galileo and, 76–78
Kepler’s laws of, 64–65, 67, 83, 86–87
moon’s, 32, 35
natural/violent, 77
Newton’s laws of, 79–80
planet, 22, 55–57, 59–70
retrograde, 55, 56, 59
sun’s annual, 20–21
uniform circular, 53, 55, 56, 59–61
of Uranus, 528
Mrkos, Comet, 568
M-type asteroids, 564 –565
Multicellular, 589
Multiringed basins, 444, 447
Mutants, 586
Neptune, 540
Saturn, 511
star death regarding, 173
sun, 144
Uranus, 529
Venus, 465
Mathematical Discourses and Demonstrations
Concerning Two New Sciences, Relating
to Mechanics and to Local Motion
(Galilei), 78
Mathematical models, 172
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philoso-
phy (Newton), 88–89
atom excitation and, 126–127
misconceptions about, 124
origins of, 182–184
Maunder butterfl y diagram, 155, 156 ,
Maunder minimum, 155, 157
Maxwell, James Clerk
rings of Saturn and, 512–513
Venus and, 468
Mayans, 52
McNaught, Comet, 565–566
Mendel, Gregor, 8
Caloris Basin on, 458, 459
cratering on, 461
history of, 460–461
interior of, 459–460
life regarding, 593
moon compared with, 455–456,
458–459, 461
orbit, 4, 455
plains of, 458–459
profi le of, 455
surface of, 457–458
temperatures on, 457
tidal coupling of, 456–457
Meteorites, 405
achondrites, 553, 556
Antarctica and, 552
Barringer Crater and, 574
CAIs and, 555
carbonaceous chondrite, 552, 554–556
categories of, 552–556
chondrites, 553–556
chondrules, 553–554
impacts of, 574–578
iron, 552–553
stony, 552, 553–556, 575
stony-iron, 552, 553
Tunguska event and, 574–575
ureilite, 565
Meteoroid, 405