saros cycle and, 44–45, 46
space view regarding, 44
Thales of Miletus, 45–46
Prediction, 89
Pressure (P) waves, 429
Prima Narratio (Rheticus), 59
Primary lens, 101 , 102–103
Primary mirror, 101–102, 103
Prime focus, 108, 110
Primeval atmosphere, 433
Primordial soup, 588 –589
Principia (Newton), 88–89
Profi les, celestial
Earth, 428
Jupiter, 496
Mars, 477
Mercury, 455
moon, 443
Neptune, 540
Saturn, 511
sun, 144
Uranus, 529
Venus, 465
Prominences, 41 , 42, 161, 162
Proteins, 583, 584
Proton, 123 , 124
Proton-proton chain, 151
Protoplanets, 409 –411
Protostars, 169
Prutentic Tables, 60, 62
Pseudoscience, 25
Ptolemaeus, Claudius, 55
Ptolemaic universe, 55, 57
P waves. See Pressure waves
Pythagoras, 53
Quantum mechanics, 124 , 125
Radial velocity, 139
Radiation, 99 .See also Light
cosmic microwave background, 181
Doppler effect and, 137–139
from heated object, 127–129
infrared, 100, 129
laws, 129
misconceptions about, 99
stellar spectra and, 130–136
sun, 152–153
Radiative zone, 152
Radioactive dating, 405–406
Radio communication, 595–596
Radio interferometer, 115
Radio telescope
advantages of, 117
limitations of, 115–116
map, 114–115, 116
operation of, 114–115
Rays, 444, 446
Reconnection, 161, 163
Red dwarf, 154–155, 172
Redshift, 138
Doppler effect and, 138–139
Refl ecting telescope, 101 –102, 103
Refracting telescope, 101 , 102–103,
Regolith, 451
Regular satellites, 495
general, 92–94
space-time curvature confi rmation and,
special, 90–92
Religion, 52, 583
Resolving power, 104 , 105
Retrograde motion, 55, 56 , 59
Revolution, 20
Copernican, 58–61, 68–70
scientifi c, 61
The Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres
(Copernicus).See De Revolutionibus
Orbium Coelestium
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 583, 585
Rift valleys, 432, 434
Ring Nebula, 175
Jovian planet, 413
Jupiter’s, 499, 502
Neptune’s, 533–534, 535, 536, 541
Saturn’s, 512–516
RNA.See Ribonucleic acid
Roche limit, 499 , 502
of Mars, 485–486
of moon, 450–451
Rosalind, 533
ROSAT, 118
Earth, 428
Jupiter, 496
Mars, 477
Mercury, 455
Neptune, 540
Saturn, 511
Uranus, 529
Venus, 465
Rudolphine Tables, 63, 65–66
Saha, Meghnad, 136
Saros cycle, 44 –45, 46
Planet(s), 3 .See also Dwarf planets; Jovian
planets; Terrestrial planet(s); specifi c
Brahe observations of, 62–63
building of, 408–412
center of mass and, 417
comparative planetology and, 425,
479–480, 504, 522
debris disks and, 415
Earth, 427–439
energy fl ow and, 426
extrasolar, 415–420, 594
heavy bombardment of, 413
hot Jupiters and, 418–419
Jovian problem and, 411–412
Kepler regarding, 63–67
microlensing and, 418
motion of, 22, 55–57, 59–70
orbiting other stars, 414–420
outgasing and, 411
photographing extrasolar, 419
planetesimal formation and, 408–409
planet forming disks creating, 169, 171,
protoplanet growth and, 409–411
remembering, 4
revolution/rotation of, 401
solar nebula composition and, 407–408
solar system characteristics and, 412–413
solids condensation and, 408
Terrestrial/Jovian, 401, 402–403
transit regarding, 417–418
uniform circular motion and, 59–61
Planetary nebulae, 172
asymmetry regarding, 172, 175
formation of, 172, 174–175
model of, 172, 174
Planetesimals, 408– 409 , 412
Plastic, 431
Plate margins, 433
Plate tectonics, 432–433, 434 –435
Plato, 53
Plutinos, 548
characteristics of, 544–545
Charon and, 545–546, 547
discovery of, 544
temperature on, 545
Polar axis, 108, 111
Portia, 533
Positron, 151
Potential energy, 86
Precession, 19 –20
Predicting eclipses
conditions for, 43
eclipse season and, 43–44, 46