Wadsworth Case Studies
From the fi eld to the classroom
Case Studies in
Cultural Anthropology
edited by George D. Spindler
and Janice E. Stockard
Since its inception in 1960, this series
has infl uenced the teaching of countless undergraduate
and graduate students of anthropology. Now, Wadsworth
offers you a selection of over 60 classic and contemporary
ethnographies in this series, representing geographic and
topical diversity. In the earliest years of the series, each
case study focused on a relatively bounded community—a
cultural group, tribe, or area—that could be distinguished
by its own customs, belief, and values. Today the case
studies refl ect a world transformed by globalization, and the
series is committed to documenting the effects of the vast
cultural fl ows of peoples, information, goods, capital, and
technologies now in motion around the globe.
Case Studies on
Contemporary Social Issues
edited by John Young
Explore how anthropology is used today in
understanding and addressing problems
faced by human societies around the world.
Each case study in this acclaimed series uniquely examines
an issue of socially recognized importance in the historical,
geographical, and cultural context of a particular region of
the world, and includes comparative analysis that highlights
not only the local effects of globalization, but also the global
dimensions of the issue. The authors write with a readable
narrative style, and their engagement with people goes
beyond being merely observers and researchers, as the
anthropologists explain, sometimes illustrating from personal
experience how their work has implications for advocacy,
community action, and policy formation.
A wide and diverse array of case studies in cultural anthropology can provide additional
perspective and help you succeed!
Demo accessible from http://www.cengage.com/anthropology
The Anthropology Resource Center
The Wadsworth Anthropology Resource Center is
a gateway to knowledge as you study in the four
fi elds of anthropology. You’ll have more fun when
you learn by doing! The Anthropology Resource
Center is the perfect vehicle to help you explore
the science of anthropology in ways not possible in
lecture or with a textbook alone. Dynamic exercises
and video clips help you prepare for exams and
conduct research for papers. Simply choose your
fi eld of study and you’re presented with a variety of
study and research aids.
These resources may have been packaged with your text. If not, go to CengageBrain.com
to purchase and access these products at Cengage Learning’s preferred online store.
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