Preface xxxiii
significantly expanded section on the impact of environ-
mental estrogens on human disease. Our emphasis on the
relationship between economics and fertility in women
continues. Several of the straightforward biological ad-
aptations also explored in this chapter are now supported
with new figures, including an illustration of the relation-
ship between altitude and partial pressure of oxygen and
illustrations of Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule. In addi-
tion, a new section explores the highly topical issue of vac-
cinations and so-called pox parties.
The work of reproductive ecologist Peter Ellison link-
ing human fertility to the environment is featured in the
Anthropologist of Note box. Cross-cultural differences in
sickness categories are featured in Katherine Dettwyler’s
stirring piece on infection, malnutrition, and Down syn-
drome. The Biocultural Connection features the impact
of industrial farming pesticides on child development.
Throughout this chapter, we explore the biocultural theme
characteristic of the entire text as connections are drawn
between human health and political and economic forces
both globally and locally.
Evolution and Prehistory comes with a comprehensive
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Supplements for Instructors
The Instructor’s Manual offers detailed chapter outlines,
lecture suggestions, key terms, and student activities such
as video exercises and Internet exercises. In addition,
there are over seventy-five chapter test questions includ-
ing multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, short
answer, and essay.
On CD or DVD, this one-stop class preparation tool con-
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systems) available within PowerLecture delivers instant
classroom assessment and active learning. Take polls
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social stratification and disease are expanded to include both
the impact within a given society and the effects of conquest.
This expanded coverage includes the impact of infectious
disease brought about by European colonizers of the Ameri-
cas, we include a new Biocultural Connection from Charles
Mann’s book 1491. The chapter’s Anthropology Applied box
and Globalscape both feature the link between contemporary
military action and preservation of ancient cultural heritage.
This chapter gives an overview of race and racism, in the
science of the past as well as current problems. With the
politics of diversity changing globally, an understanding
of the true nature of biological variation has become indis-
pensable. The contributions of anthropology to debunk-
ing race as a biological category—starting with the work of
Franz Boas and Ashley Montagu—are complemented by the
contemporary work of cutting-edge biological anthropolo-
gists such as Jonathan Marks (Original Study) and Fatimah
Jackson (Anthropologist of Note). We emphasize the inter-
action of the cultural and biological throughout the chapter
in topics ranging from skin color to intelligence to G-6-PD
deficiency as detailed in the Biocultural Connection.
With this edition, we include the history of the
Mexican casta system and the contemporary tragedy of
Rwandan genocide. The section on race and human evolu-
tion is expanded and includes a discussion of scientific and
pseudo-scientific attempts to predict behavior by physical
phenotypic characteristics. The section concludes with
neurological research dealing with the brain and stereo-
typical thinking. Informative new illustrations include a
demonstration of the differences between a normal female
pelvis and one deformed by bone disease and a contempo-
rary graphic artist’s views on 19th- and early 20th-century
racial hierarchies.
From battles between local farmers and multinational cor-
porations for water rights in India to new findings on the
toxic effects of plastics, this chapter continues to engage with
the ways humans adapt to the human-made environment.
The chapter weaves together the anthropological study of
adaptation by biological and medical anthropologists with
advanced work in evolutionary medicine and the political
ecology of health and disease. It examines the way that hu-
man alteration of the environment is leading to disease in
our species and how political and social forces impact the
distribution of health and disease in human populations.
New to this chapter are global flows of HIV/AIDS
and prevention strategies and a Globalscape concerning
an initiative incorporating public health education into
radio and television soap operas. This edition features a
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