
(Nora) #1







New research is showing that gratitude could
improve your health. Follow our seven-day plan
to boost your wellbeing – and happiness


oing good makes you feel
good – it’s not a new
concept, but a growing
bank of data is showing
that expressing thanks for
the good that is done to you could improve
your health. To put that statement into
perspective: a slew of research shows
that feeling gracious on a day-to-day
basis could make you care better for
yourself, sleep well, experience less
depression, avoid overeating and become
more patient. It could even increase
the chance of your happiness lasting.
‘Gratitude can have significant mental
and physical benefits,’ says Neil
Seligman, mindfulness teacher
(neilseligman.com). ‘It can improve your
immune function and lower your blood
pressure, plus reduce the risk of
depression, anxiety and addiction.
Grateful people have been shown
to experience greater joy, enthusiasm,
love and optimism. They have also
increased helpfulness, generosity and
cooperation, so it’s a win-win situation.’

Of course, gratitude practice isn’t new

  • for centuries, civilisations have been
    giving thanks through food offerings to
    spiritual figures or praying when waking
    up and before falling asleep. In fact, many
    cultures still practise gratitude at annual
    festivities and holidays today. Chances
    are, then, that you’ve already heard of
    gratitude practice, so why is it suddenly
    popular among the masses?
    ‘We live in easy times when basic needs
    are met, yet we’re unhappier and more
    depressed than ever,’ explains Aneta
    Grabiec, a yoga teacher at Re:Centre
    (recentre.co.uk). ‘We seem to have lost
    value, focus, meaning and purpose

  • never before have we suffered so much
    loneliness and mental health challenges.
    Humanity is desperate for a change, and
    that’s where gratitude practice comes in.’

It’s not all talk, either. The power of
gratitude is backed by decades of
research. Most recently, one study from
the University of Texas in the US showed

that writing thank-you notes improved
the wellbeing of both recipient and writer.
Another report entitled the Review of
Communication argues that being
thankful contributes to the long-term
success of relationships – ‘up to six
months after a deliberate expression to
one’s relationship partner,’ claim the
authors. But just how does it work?
‘Gratitude practice redirects your
attention to notice positive experiences,’
explains Seligman. ‘As a result, your
awareness becomes more attuned to the
little things that happen each day that
are worth appreciating. Given the brain’s
propensity to dwell on the negative, this
redirection has beneficial consequences.’
And there’s a neuroplasticity effect,
too. ‘It rewires our brain and, therefore,
reshapes our mind and body on numerous
levels,’ adds Grabiec. ‘Psychologist Robert
Emmons spent most of his life studying
the subject of gratitude and his evidence
proves that regular practice contributes
to better health, more happiness and
stronger relationships with others.’
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