
(Nora) #1


(^4) ENE
Time: 45 seconds on each leg
Start in an energy squat (A). Then, push
through your feet to come back up to
standing, raising your right knee as you do
so (B), and kick your leg forwards as high
and with as much power as you can (C).
Lower back into the squat, making sure
your knees don’t bend inwards. Every time
you kick, lean your torso backwards
slightly. Start with your arms by your face
and, as you kick, bring one arm diagonally
down on the same side as the kicking leg.
Repeat for 45 seconds, then change legs.
Time: 30 seconds
From a high plank position (A), begin to
crawl forwards by moving your right hand
and left leg forwards (B), then move your
right leg and left arm forwards (C). Slightly
bend your arms and knees as you crawl
(not too much) and keep your 'steps' short
in order to keep that plank-straight line of
the body. Keep moving forwards in short
fast steps, making sure your bottom
doesn't lift upwards. Take six steps
forwards, then reverse, taking six steps
backwards, and repeat for 30 seconds.
Time: 30 seconds
Start in a forearm plank with your elbows
beneath your shoulders, legs hip-width
apart, core engaged (A). Slowly reach your
right arm forwards, without shifting your
body weight, keeping your hips level and
still (B). Bring your arm back to the starting
position and reach your left arm forwards
(C). This is a slow exercise – take your time
and maintain control. This will make your
core more powerful.
After doing the five-minute burpee challenge (don’t forget to warm up first!)
and noting down your result, you’re ready to embark on the following exercise
plan. Do the moves four times a week, plus the Viking Madness
exercises on a fifth day (see page 87 for more details)

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