E. 18.3 Public Expenditure in Canada
- Government Purchases and Transfers
- Canadian “Fiscal Federalism”
a. The Logic of Fiscal Federalism
a. 1. Differences in Tax Bases
b. 2. Geographic Scope of Services
c. 3. Regional Differences in Preferences
d. 4. Administrative Efficiency
b. Intergovernmental Transfers
a. Canada Health and Social Transfers
b. Equalization Payments - Canadian Social Programs
a. Education
a. Primary and Secondary Education
b. Post-Secondary Education
b. Healthcare
a. Cost Containment
b. The Role of the Private Sector
c. Income-Support Programs
a. Welfare
b. Child Benefits
d. Employment Insurance
e. Retirement Benefits
a. The Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
b. Retirement Income-Support Programs
c. Tax-Assisted Saving Plans
F. 18.4 Evaluating the Role of Government