84 CHAPTER 4 Risk Analysis and Environmental Health Hazards
This net was treated with DDT to kill malaria-transmitting
mosquitoes. Photographed in Nigeria.
These symptoms may, for example, decrease fishes’
competitiveness or increase their chances of being
eaten by predators.
Mobility of persistent toxicants is also a risk for
h umans. In 1994 the Environmental Working Group, a
private organization, analyzed five common herbicides
(weed-killing chemicals) found in drinking water. It con-
cluded that 3.5 million people in the Midwest face a
slightly elevated cancer risk because of exposure to the
herbicides. The EPA has since mandated a reduction in
use of the five herbicides.
The Global Ban of Persistent
Organic Pollutants
The Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants,
which was adopted in 2001, is an
important U.N. treaty that seeks
to protect human health and the
environment from the 12 most
toxic persistent organic pollutants
(POPs) on Earth ( Table 4.2). Some
POPs disrupt the endocrine system (discussed later in this
chapter), cause cancer, or adversely affect the developmen-
tal processes of organisms.
The Stockholm Convention requires countries to de-
velop plans to eliminate the production and use of in-
tentionally produced POPs. A notable exception to this
requirement is that DDT is still produced and used to
control malaria- carrying mosquitoes in countries where
no affordable alternatives exist (}ÕÀiÊ{°£ä).
- What is a persistent toxicant?
- How does DDT become magnified through
a food chain? - What is the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants?
persistent organic
pollutants (POPs)
Persistent toxicants
that bioaccumulate in
organisms and travel
through air and water
to contaminate sites
far from their source.
Persistent organic pollutants: The “dirty dozen”
s Table 4.2
Persistent organic pollutant Use
Aldrin Insecticide
Chlordane Insecticide
DDT (dichlorodiphenyl- Insecticide
Dieldrin Insecticide
Endrin Rodenticide and
Heptachlor Fungicide
Hexachlorobenzene Insecticide; fire
Mirex™ Insecticide
Toxaphene™ Insecticide
PCBs (polychlorinated Industrial chemicals
Dioxins By-products of certain
manufacturing processes
Furans (dibenzofurans) By-products of certain
manufacturing processes