Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Bee Colonies Under Threat

Deaths resulting from viruses, including the Israeli acute-
paralysis virus (IAPV), which can be spread by mites

Bees are necessary for the pollination of a variety of
important crops, many of which—nearly 100—are potentially
threatened by these bee declines. The demand on bees to
pollinate crop species has increased even as the number
of bee colonies maintained by keepers has dropped. Some
agricultural researchers believe that the added stress
placed on bee colonies as they are transported to carry out
pollination has increased the susceptibility of these colonies
to health threats by compromising bees’ immune systems.
Recent research indicates that improving hive hygiene can help
prevent CCD.

Since late 2006, many U.S. beekeepers have experienced major
losses in their bee colonies, 30 to 90 percent of total individuals.
Similar bee disappearances have occurred in other countries,
resulting in losses of millions of bees worldwide. These sudden
declines, known in the United States as colony collapse disorder
(CCD), are thought to be triggered by a complex mix of factors.
Researchers are investigating three major potential causes of CCD:

The negative effects of pesticides including—according to
recent research—some of the most widely used insecticides
in the world
Damage caused by pathogens or parasites, such as Varroa
and tracheal mites, and a parasitic fly recently reported to
be taking over the bodies of Northem California honeybees

118 CHAPTER 5 How Ecosystems Work


Two fruit growers hand pollinate pear trees in Yongchuan, Chongqing, China, a region
where local bee populations have vanished.

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