Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Rural Urban Urban



Ethiopia Turkey France

Based on data from Population Reference Bureau.

Critical and Creative Thinking Questions 189

  1. Explain the rationale behind this statement: It is better for
    highly developed countries to spend millions of dollars on
    family planning in developing countries now than to have to
    spend billions of dollars on relief efforts later.

  2. Which factor do you think would have a larger effect on total
    fertility rate: the increased education of men or of women?
    Explain your answer.

  3. What are two serious problems associated with the
    rapid growth of large urban areas? Explain why they are

  4. In cities utilizing compact development, motor vehicle use is
    reduced. What are some alternatives to motor vehicles?

  5. Should the rapid increase in world population be of
    concern to the average citizen in the United States?
    Why or why not?

  6. Urbanization varies from one country to another (see
    figure). Local and national government agencies in the
    three countries represented below strive to provide
    services to their populations. How might each of their
    efforts differ, and why? How do you think the United
    States compares to these countries? What do you
    believe to be the biggest problem faced by the United
    States, as related to population growth or urbanization,
    and how would you propose to address it?

  7. How does the study of population ecology help us
    understand why some populations grow, some remain
    stable, and others decline?

  8. The growth rates of various populations are usually
    expressed in percentages. Why are percentages
    advantageous in comparing growth rates?

  9. The human population has grown as we have increased
    our global carrying capacity. In your opinion, can the global
    carrying capacity continue to increase? Explain your answer.

  10. Why has human population growth, which increased
    exponentially for centuries, started to decline in the past
    few decades?

  11. Malthus originally suggested that the population of England
    would collapse because it could not continue to increase its
    production of food. Why did this not happen?

  12. What is carrying capacity? Do you think carrying capacity
    applies to people as well as to other organisms? Why or why

  13. What can the governments of developing countries do to
    help their countries experience the demographic transition?

  14. If you were to draw an age structure diagram for Poland,
    with a total fertility rate of 1.3, which of the following overall
    shapes would the diagram have? Explain why a country like
    Poland faces a population decline even if its fertility rate
    were to start increasing today.

Critical and Creative Thinking Questions

Age (A)

(45 and older)
(15–44 yrs)
(0–14 yrs)




(B) (C)


Sustainable Citizen Question
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