Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


many kinds of organisms on Earth are here in part be-
cause of the large number of different climates—from
cold, snow-covered polar climates to tropical climates
that are hot and have rain almost every day (ˆ}ÕÀiʙ°£).

Solar Radiation and Climate

The sun makes life on Earth possible. Sunshine, or in-
solation, warms the planet, including the atmosphere,
to habitable temperatures. Without the sun’s energy, all
water on Earth would be frozen, including the ocean.

Photosynthetic organisms capture the sun’s energy and
use it to make the food molecules almost all forms of life
require. Most of our fuels, such as wood and fossil fuels
(oil, coal, and natural gas), originated as solar energy cap-
tured by photosynthetic organisms. The amount of insola-
tion that reaches Earth is a key factor in the overall climate.
The uneven distribution of the total insulation around the
globe is a major determinant of regional climates.
Clouds, and to a lesser extent snow, ice, and the ocean,
reflect away about 31 percent of the solar radiation that
falls on Earth (ˆ}ÊÕÀiʙ°Ó). The remaining 69 percent is


Most of the energy that the sun produces never reaches Earth. The solar energy that reaches Earth
warms the planet’s surface, drives the hydrologic cycle and other biogeochemical cycles, produces our
climate, and powers almost all life through photosynthesis. On average, about 1366 watts per square
meter (W/m^2 ) enter Earth’s atmosphere, resulting in about 1000 W/m^2 at Earth’s surface.


Total reflection
back into space

Entering solar radiation

Total absorption by
atmosphere, land, and water
Reflection by
particles in

Reflection off
ice, snow, and
light-colored land

Reflection by
clouds in

Absorption by
gases and particles
in the atmosphere
by clouds

by land
and ocean
heats Earth
Warmed surface re-emits 49%
heat as infrared radiation,
which is returned to
space or to surface (by
greenhouse gases).

The Atmosphere and Climate 219

Ice is highly reflective compared to water and
land. How will this diagram change as ice caps and glaciers melt?

Think Critically
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