Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Wind Conversion to acids:sulfuric acid (H
2 SO 4 )
nitric acid (HNO 3 )
nitrous acid (HNO 2 )



Power plant and
industrial plumes Dry acid

acidic lakes


SO 2 + NOx
Wet acid deposition
(droplets of H 2 SO 4 , HNO 3 , and
HNO 2 dissolved in rain and snow)

© Superclic/Alamy

Maurice E. Landre/Science Source Images
Randy Wells/Stone/Getty Images

a. Acid deposition.
Sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide emissions
react with water vapor in
the atmosphere to form
acids that return to the
surface as either dry or
wet deposition.

Forest Decline.
Acid deposition is one of
several stressors that may
interact, contributing to
the decline and death
of trees.

b. Healthy Sitka
spruce branch.

c. Sitka spruce branch exhibiting the effects of forest decline.
Photographed in Black Forest, Germany.

d. Acid rain

Environmental InSight ✓✓THE PLANNER

The effects of acid deposition
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