Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

240 CHAPTER 9 Global Atmospheric Changes

Maurice E. Landre/Science Source Images

What is happening in this picture?

Maria Stenzel/NG Image Collection

This scientist is drilling into the Antarctic ice sheet
to remove an ice core. Do you think the ice deep
within the sheet is old or relatively young? Explain
your answer.

Some of the deeper samples were laid down
thousands of years ago, when the climate was much
cooler. The ice contains bubbles of air. Based on
what you have learned in this chapter, do you think
the level of carbon dioxide in the air bubbles in the
oldest ice is higher or lower than the level in today’s
atmosphere? Explain your answer.

If the scientists compared CFCs in the air bubbles in
the oldest ice with today’s levels of CFCs, what do
you think they would find?

when sulfur and nitrogen oxides are released into the
air, where they react to form acids and then return to
surface waters and soil.

  1. Acid deposition kills aquatic organisms, changes
    soil chemistry, and may contribute to forest decline,
    a gradual deterioration and eventual death of many trees
    in a forest.

Key Terms

acid deposition 234
carbon management 229
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 231
climate 218

enhanced greenhouse effect 224
forest decline 235
greenhouse gases 223
infrared radiation 220

ozone thinning 231
radiative forcing 224
ultraviolet (UV)
radiation 231

Critical and Creative Thinking Questions

  1. How does the sun affect temperature at different latitudes?

  2. On the basis of what you know about the nature of science,
    can we say with how much certainty that the increased
    production of greenhouse gases is causing global climate
    change? Explain.

  3. Biologists who study plants growing high in the Alps found
    that plants adapted to cold-mountain conditions migrated

up the peaks as fast as 3.7 m (12.1 ft) per decade during the
20th century, apparently in response to climate warming.
Assuming that warming continues during the 21st century,
what will happen to the plants if they reach the tops of the

  1. Will it be easier for societies to mitigate climate change or to
    adapt to a changed climate? Explain your answer.

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