Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Stuart Franklin/Magnum Photo©

The Importance of Water 244
s Properties of Water
s The Hydrologic Cycle and Our Supply
of Fresh Water
Water Resource Problems 246
s Aquifer Depletion
s Overdrawing of Surface Waters
s Salinization of Irrigated Soil
s Global Water Issues
Water Management 254
s Dams and Reservoirs: Managing the Columbia River
s Water Conservation
■ Environmental InSight: Water Conservation
Water Pollution 258
s Types of Water Pollution
■ What a Scientist Sees: Oligotrophic
and Eutrophic Lakes
s Sources of Water Pollution
s Groundwater Pollution
Improving Water Quality 264
s Purification of Drinking Water
s Municipal Sewage Treatment
s Controlling Water Pollution
■ Case Study: China’s Three Gorges Dam

❑ Study the picture and read the opening story.
❑ Scan the Learning Objectives in each section:
p. 244 ❑ p. 246 ❑ p. 254 ❑ p. 258 ❑ p. 264 ❑
❑ Read the text and study all figures and visuals.
Answer any questions.

Analyze key features
❑ National Geographic Map, p. 252
❑ Environmental InSight, p. 257
❑ What a Scientist Sees, p. 260
❑ Process Diagram, p. 264 ❑ p. 265 ❑
❑ Case Study, p. 269
❑ Stop: Answer the Concept Checks before
you go on:
p. 246 ❑ p. 254 ❑ p. 256 ❑ p. 263 ❑ p. 268 ❑

End of Chapter
❑ Review the Summary and Key Terms.
❑ Answer What is happening in this picture?
❑ Answer the Critical and Creative Thinking Questions.
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