Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
260 CHAPTER 10 Freshwater Resources and Water Pollution

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c. and d. Aquatic ecologists understand the characteristics of oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes. c. An oligotrophic
lake has a low level of inorganic plant and algal nutrients; its fish species require cool, oxygen-rich water.
d. A eutrophic lake has a high level of these nutrients; its fish species tolerate warm, low-oxygen water.

a. and b. The average person looking at these two photographs would notice the dramatic differences between
them but wouldn’t understand the environmental conditions responsible for the differences. a. Shows Crater
Lake, an oligotrophic lake in Oregon; b. shows a small eutrophic lake in the Catskill Mountains, New York.
a. b.

c. d. High nutrient levels
Poor light penetration
Low dissolved oxygen
Shallow waters
High algal growth
Warm-water fish: Carp, bullhead,

Sand, silt,
or clay bottom

High dissolved oxygen
Deep waters
Low algal growth
Cool-water fish: Smallmouth
bass, lake trout, pike, sturgeon,

Rock, gravel,
or sand bottom

Low nutrient levels
Good light penetration


Oligotrophic and Eutrophic Lakes

BOD measures how fast microorganisms remove oxygen
from a body of water. When dissolved oxygen levels are
low, anaerobic (without oxygen) microorganisms pro-
duce compounds with unpleasant odors, further deterio-
rating water quality.

Eutrophication: An Enrichment Problem Lakes,
estuaries, and slow-flowing streams that have mini-
mal levels of nutrients are considered unenriched, or

oligotrophic. An oligotrophic lake has cool, clear water
and s upports small populations of aquatic organisms
(see What a Scientist Sees, parts a and c). Eutrophication
is the enrichment of a lake, an estuary, or a slow-flowing
stream by inorganic plant and algal nutrients such as
phosphorus; an enriched body of water is said to be eu-
trophic. The enrichment of water results in an increased
photosynthetic productivity. The water in a eutrophic
lake is cloudy and usually resembles pea soup because of
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