Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2004 2006 2008









Trade in eastern (Mediterranean) atlantic bluefin

Recorded trade
ICCAT quota (limits)

Metric tons

The gap between catch limits and actual trade in bluefin
tuna in the Mediterranean.

Pew Environment Group.

Mind the Gap: An Analysis of the Gap Between

Mediterranean Bluefin Quotas and International Trade Figures


Franco Banfi/Water Frame/Getty Images

The Global Ocean 274
s Patterns of Circulation in the Ocean
■ Environmental InSight: Ocean Currents
s Ocean–Atmosphere Interaction
Major Ocean Life Zones 278
s The Intertidal Zone: Transition Between Land and Ocean
s The Benthic Environment
s The Neritic Province: From the Shore to 200 Meters
■ EnviroDiscovery: Otters in Trouble
s The Oceanic Province: Most of the Ocean
Human Impacts on the Ocean 284
s Marine Pollution and Deteriorating Habitat
s World Fisheries
■ Environmental InSight: Human Impacts
on the Ocean
■ What a Scientist Sees: Modern Commercial Fishing
s Shipping, Ocean Dumping, and Plastic Debris
s Coastal Development
s Human Impacts on Coral Reefs
s Offshore Extraction of Mineral
and Energy Resources
■ What a Scientist Sees: Ocean Warming
and Coral Bleaching
s Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise,
and Warmer Ocean Temperatures
Addressing Ocean Problems 291
s Future Actions
■ Case Study: The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico

❑ Study the picture and read the opening story.
❑ Scan the Learning Objectives in each section:
p. 274 ❑ p. 278 ❑ p. 284 ❑ p. 291 ❑
❑ Read the text and study all figures and visuals.
Answer any questions.

Analyze key features
❑ Environmental InSight, p. 275 ❑ p. 285 ❑
❑ Process Diagram, p. 276
❑ EnviroDiscovery, p. 282
❑ What a Scientist Sees, p. 286 ❑ p. 289 ❑
❑ Case Study, p. 293
❑ Stop: Answer the Concept Checks before you go on:
p. 278 ❑ p. 283 ❑ p. 290 ❑ p. 292 ❑

End of Chapter
❑ Review the Summary and Key Terms.
❑ Answer What is happening in this picture?
❑ Answer the Critical and Creative Thinking Questions.

Interpreting Data
In metric tons, what was the ICCAT
quota in 2009? How much more bluefin
tuna was actually traded that year?
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