Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Critical and Creative Thinking Questions 295

  1. In 2010, what proportion of the fishery food supply was
    provided by aquaculture in the entire world? in China? in the
    world excluding China?

  2. What overall trends in fishery food supply, from both
    aquaculture and capture, were exhibited by China, and by
    the rest of the world, between 1970 and 1990? between
    1990 and 2010? What role do regional differences in
    aquaculture production play in these trends?

 This biochemist is studying cuttings of bleached coral in
the Indian Ocean.
Why are bleached corals pale?
 What sort of human impacts cause coral bleaching?
 Is the occurrence of coral bleaching likely to increase or
decrease? Why?

What is happening in this


Critical and Creative Thinking Questions

  1. How do ocean currents affect climate on land? In particular,
    describe the role of the ocean conveyor belt.

  2. Compare the different global effects of El Niño with those
    of La Niña. How are the two events similar? How are they

  3. Identify which of the ocean
    life zones at right would be
    home to each of the following
    organisms: giant squid, kelp,
    tuna, and mussels. Explain your

  4. The use of plastic shopping
    bags has been banned in
    many U.S. cities, including
    Los Angeles and Washington,
    DC, and statewide in Hawaii.
    How might these bans
    influence human impacts on
    the ocean?

  5. Describe the global character of the ocean and its importance
    to life on Earth in terms of the effects of mismanagement of the
    bluefin tuna fishery in the Mediterranean or the expansion of the
    Gulf of Mexico dead zone.

  6. Imagine that you live in a small Atlantic coast community
    where a company wants to set up an aquaculture facility
    in a salt marsh. What are its benefits and its environmental
    drawbacks? Would you support or oppose this proposal?
    Explain your answer.

  7. If global climate change trends continue, why might Italy
    grow cooler, and how would impacts on the ocean trigger
    that change?

  8. Which U.N. treaty might impose limits on the number of
    fishing vessels allowed to catch tuna in international

Benthic environment

Intertidal zone

Pelagic environment


Use graph to answer questions 9–10.



  1. Assess your personal seafood consumption, or that
    of a friend or family member. Which species do you
    eat? Where and how are they obtained? Research
    these details by investigating online the Monterey
    Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch© Program. List possible
    impacts to the ocean from your seafood consumption,
    and identify choices you might make to reduce them.

Sustainable Citizen Question










80 90 00 10 70 80 90 00 10 70 80 90 00 10

(wild catch)

Year Year Year

Fishery food supply (kg/person)

World China World excluding China
Adapted from FAO, Figure 35,

The State of World Fisheries and



Alexis Rosenfeld/Science Source
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