Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

75% of 100 million hectares


32% of 159 million hectares


82% of 30 million hectares

Based on data from International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech
Applications (ISAAA), 2011.

Mark Thiessen/NGS Staff/NG Image Collection

Mark Thiessen/NGS Staff/NG Image Collection

Rebecca Hale/NGS Staff/NG Image Collection

Sub-Saharan Africa
South Asia
Near East/North Africa
Latin America/Caribbean

School attainment and undernourishment by region, 2000

Prevalence of
undernourishment (%)

Number of years of school
completed (average)

35 30 25 20 0 10 5 0 12345678

East Asia Based on data from UNESCO/FAO.

Critical and Creative Thinking Questions

  1. Compare undernutrition and overnutrition. Describe the
    types of people and the regions of the world most likely to
    be affected by each.

  2. How and why do (a) population growth and (b) the rising
    consumption of meat affect world grain carryover stocks
    and world food security?
    Use the following graph to answer questions 3 and 4.

  3. Based on the graph, what conclusion can you make about
    how the level of education people attain in a region is
    related to that region’s prevalence of undernutrition?
    Give examples of data from specific regions to support
    your conclusion.

  4. How do these results fit in with our understanding of the role
    that poverty plays in the world’s hunger problems?

  5. Distinguish between shifting cultivation and slash-and-burn

  6. What are the environmental impacts of urban/suburban
    sprawl on agriculture land?

  7. What was the green revolution? Describe a few of its
    successes and shortcomings and compare those to changes
    that have occurred in the recent “second green revolution.”

  8. Name two environmental problems associated with
    industrialized agriculture and give at least three examples
    of ways that industrialized agriculture could be made more

  9. Contrast the use of the following in industrialized and
    sustainable agriculture: water resources, fertilizers, and
    chemical pesticides.

  10. How is developing new genetically modified crops and livestock
    promising in feeding the world’s people? What are some
    concerns associated with growing genetically modified crops?

  11. These charts compare the 2011 global acreage of genetically
    modified crops (screened areas) to the total production.
    How many hectares of genetically modified soybeans were
    planted? cotton? corn?

Critical and Creative Thinking Questions 371



  1. How might your choosing to consume only organic
    foods affect environmental problems associated with
    food production? What about choosing vegetarianism?
    Compare the environmental benefits of organic and
    vegetarian diets.

Sustainable Citizen Question

  1. Which type of pesticide has fewer deleterious environmental
    effects, broad-spectrum or narrow-spectrum? Explain your

  2. Overall, do you think the benefits of pesticide use outweigh
    the disadvantages, or vice versa? Give at least two reasons
    for your answer.

  3. How and why is a pesticide’s effectiveness altered by its
    heavy, long-term use?


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