Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chytridiomycosis, a rapidly spreading disease caused
by a chytrid fungus, had been recorded in 43 countries
and in 36 U.S. states. Responsible for the disappearance
of more than 100 amphibian species worldwide, and
afflicting almost 300 species, this disease is thought to
exacerbate the harm caused by other threats.
Rescue efforts around the globe include testing and
treating animals affected by chytrids (see inset photo).
Large-scale conservation programs, which include
the captive breeding of vulnerable amphibian
species, resulted in the establishment of
the Amphibian Ark, an international
group affiliated with the IUCN
that seeks to preserve
at least 500 species
for reintroduction.


Biodiversity and Conservation



ince the 1970s, many of the world’s frog populations
have dwindled or disappeared. At least 42 percent
of the more than 6000 known amphibian species are
declining, and about one-third are threatened or already
extinct. Approximately165 species are believed to be
extinct. Amphibian declines are occurring worldwide,
even in remote, pristine locations, such as the high
reaches of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains (see
large photograph).
Biologists cannot pinpoint a single cause of the
massive die-offs and suspect they reflect a combination
of threats. According to data accumulated by the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
habitat loss likely causes the greatest harm to these
species, but chemical pollutants, infectious diseases,
increased levels of UV-B radiation, and climate change
are among other factors threatening amphibian
populations (see graph).

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