Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Oil and Natural Gas 423

Will & Deni McIntyre/©Corbis

oxides and removes sulfur from
the coal. It produces more heat
from a given amount of coal,
thereby somewhat reducing CO 2
emissions per unit of electricity
In the United States, several
large power plants are testing flu-
idized-bed combustion, and a few
small plants are already using this technology. The Clean
Air Act Amendments of 1990 provide incentives for utility
companies to convert to clean coal technologies. A few
coal-fired power plants are currently experimenting with
technologies that capture CO 2 before it can be emitted.

  1. Why does surface mining of coal typically cause
    more environmental harm than does subsurface

  2. What are the environmental impacts of mining
    and burning coal?

  3. What technologies can make coal a cleaner fuel?

Dead trees enveloped in acid fog on Mount
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Forest decline was first documented in Germany and eastern
Europe. More recently, it has been observed in eastern North
America, particularly at higher elevations. Acid deposition
contributes to forest decline.

  1. Describe existing reserves of oil and natural gas.

  2. Discuss the environmental problems caused by
    using oil and natural gas.


il and natural gas supplied approximately
62 percent of the energy used in the United
States in 2010. In comparison, other U.S.
energy sources include coal (21 percent),
nuclear power (9 percent), renewables (7 percent)
and liquid biofuels (1 percent). Globally, oil and natu-
ral gas provided 56 percent of the world’s energy
Petroleum and natural gas originated when small
organisms settled to the ocean floor millions of years
ago. These organisms were buried under silt, and over
long periods of time were subjected to pressure and
temperature, altering their chemical makeup. Petro-
leum, or crude oil, is a liquid composed of hundreds of

Oil and Natural Gas


A clean-coal
technology in which
crushed coal is mixed
with limestone to
neutralize acidic
compounds produced
during combustion.

Oil Coal Renew-

Natural Nuclear





Percentage of world commercial energy 0

production, 2010

Based on data from the Energy Information Administra-tion (EIA).

World commercial energy
Note the overwhelming reliance on oil, coal, and natural gas as
commercial energy sources. “Alternatives” include geothermal,
solar, wind, and wood electric power.

Several advanced technologies allow power plants
to produce less air pollution while burning coal. In
fluidized-bed combustion, crushed coal is mixed with
limestone particles in a strong air current during
combustion. This technology produces fewer nitrogen

Interpreting Data
There are currently 435 nuclear power plants operating
worldwide. How many additional nuclear plants would be
needed for the world to produce as much commercial en-
ergy using nuclear power as we currently do using coal?
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