Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Graphing Appendix 473

  1. Test your understanding of this Graphing Appendix
    by taking the following quiz:

    1. Label each of the following terms on the below
      graph: title, caption, legend, x-axis, y-axis.

b. Are assumed to affect the values of an
independent variable
c. May take on an infinite number of possibilities
between a specified range
d. May take on only a finite number of possibilities
between a specified range

  1. Which of the following graphs is used to show the
    proportions of some total value taken up by two
    or more categories?
    a. Scatter plot
    b. Line graph
    c. Bar graph
    d. Pie chart

  2. Demonstrate your ability to apply the material
    presented in this Graphing Appendix by performing
    the following tasks:

  3. Suppose you are a scientist studying the effects
    of a landfill on the diversity of organisms living
    in a nearby stream. To investigate this topic,
    you count the number of different species in a
    series of water samples collected at successively
    greater distances from this landfill. When you
    have finished collecting all of these data, you
    organize them into a table like this:

  4. This graph is an example of a
    a. Scatter plot c. Bar graph
    b. Line graph d. Pie chart

  5. Which of the following countries had the greatest
    decline in their total fertility rate from the 1960’s
    to 2011?
    a. India c. Nigeria
    b. Mexico d. Egypt

  6. The values of a dependent variable
    a. Are assumed to depend on the values of an
    independent variable
    b. Are assumed to affect the values of an inde-
    pendent variable
    c. May take on an infinite number of
    possibilities between a specified range
    d. May take on only a finite number of
    possibilities between a specified range

  7. Discrete data
    a. Are assumed to depend on the values of an
    independent variable

Distance of water sample Number of different
from landfill (in meters) species in sample

10 2
25 3
50 3
70 5
100 8
135 8
175 7
200 13
250 15
300 17

1960–1965 2011

Brazil China Egypt India Mexico Nigeria





Total fertility rate

Based on data from Population Reference Bureau.

countries Since the 1960s, fertility levels have dropped dra-
matically in many developing countries.

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