Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Environmental InSight ✓✓THE PLANNER

© Iain Masterton/Alamy

Barry Iverson/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images Tim Laman/NG Image Collection

Richard B. Levine/NewsCom

Eco Images/Universal Images Group/Getty Images
Family Planning in Egypt.
A woman at a health clinic in Egypt learns
about family planning and birth control.
Recommendation 1: Eliminate Poverty
and Stabilize the Human Population.

Restoration in Indonesia.
Mangrove trees are planted at low tide to
help restore a coastal estuary.
Recommendation 2: Protect and Restore
Earth’s Resources.

Feeding the World’s People.
Farmers in Cameroon harvest
Recommendation 3: Provide
Adequate Food for All People.

Energy Neutral Construction.
Photovoltaic panels cover a south facing wall
of the Solaire, a building in Battery Park City,
New York. Increasingly, energy is generated at
buildings where it is used.
Recommendation 4: Mitigate Climate Change.

Bicycle Rack in Amsterdam.
Residents in the Netherlands ride bicycles an average of 573 mi (917 km) per year.
Recommendation 5: Design Sustainable Cities.

An Overall Plan for Sustainable Living 37

A plan for sustainable living
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