Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

and athletically qualified student athletes wanting expert

help in becoming professionally exposed to college coaches.

I contacted and often negotiated with coaches and recruit-

ers on behalf of my clients. I am a member of the Recruiting

Education Speaker’s Bureau of the National Collegiate Scouting

Association: You are about to use the

inside knowledge I have accumulated, sometimes painfully,

over many years of experience as the parent of recruited stu-

dent athletes, a high-school coach, a recruiting service owner,

and as a college coach and recruiter.

Today, there exists a nearly uncountable number of oppor-

tunities for qualified athletic prospects to leverage their ability

to play and to learn. More than 1,700 colleges and universities

offer athletic programs. That’s good news! There’s more good

news, however there’s some not so good news, too. Only 7

percent of those 1,700 institutions offer full grant-in-aid Divi-

sion I athletic scholarships. That covers less than 1 percent of

student athletes! So it should be obvious that a colossal major-

ity of the opportunities to play your sport and receive finan-

cial aid for your athletic ability are located outside Division I.

And the coaches of those colleges want to put uniforms with

their school’s colors on the best players available. But how will

they find them? They need your help! Although you may be an

outstanding prospect, you may well be overlooked and not

offered financial aid for your athletic ability, especially in non-

revenue sports. How will those coaches find you? They need your

help! This book will help you help them and create opportu-

nity for yourself, as well. Need more proof of athletic financial

aid opportunity? According to an NCAA Executive Sum-

mary, since 1981, the number of college women athletes has

increased by nearly 98,500 and men athletes by nearly 61,500.

Introduction 3

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