Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The wise prospect seeks answers to many important questions.

While the coach/recruiter of the college will be your primary

source for answers, be aware that other sources are also avail-

able. These include: other athletes (usually met while visiting

the campus and not necessarily the guide assigned to you by

the coach), college-produced introductory reading material,

catalogs, college websites, and observations made on the cam-

pus. Arm yourself with this book by keeping it conveniently

located at your telephone and with you (but out of sight) at all

times when visiting a campus.

A word of caution: be careful not to appear that you are

investigating the coach. However, be sure to get the answers

as they can provide you with the information from which you

can make an informed and therefore, good decision. While a

coach may string you along, it is quite rare that a coach will

lie when asked a direct question.

It is very important that you get satisfactory answers to each

of the following questions before you commit to a coach or

college. Some of these questions will be better asked in-person

while on a visit. As your conversation proceeds with the coach,

you will get an idea what questions you should ask while on the

phone and which questions to ask when you visit the college.

chapter 14

Visit Questions

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