Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Go over the questions with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and

highlight a few of the questions which you determine are

most important to get answers to so you can generate a level

of interest in the coach, his/her program, and the school.

Most of your conversation will be spent listening. The coach

will spend a lot of time telling you about his/her program

and selling you on his/her school. Be patient and be a good

listener. There will be time to ask your questions.

The following four topics encompass most of the experi-

ences you will have as a student athlete at any school. You

should know which school appears to be the best fit for you

in all four areas.

Put your questions on 3 2 5 cards. It is not a good idea to

let any school official see you using this book.


  1. How much time is spent in practice?

  2. When does the season begin? End?

  3. Are there additional training periods?

  4. What are practice hours?

  5. What are my off-season responsibilities?

  6. Can I compete in other sports?

  7. What is the team’s past record?

  8. What conference and division does the team compete in?

  9. How many games/meets per season?

  10. How often does the team travel?

  11. Can he/she describe the athletic facilities? (If not, wait
    and observe during the visit.)

  12. What is the coach’s philosophy?

  13. What are my chances of regularly competing and when?

  14. What position/event/class am I being considered for?

94 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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