Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Visit Questions 95

  1. How many freshmen at your position are being

  2. What position am I on the recruiting depth chart?

  3. Will I be redshirted?

  4. What are the housing arrangements for athletes?

  5. Have you seen me play or compete?

  6. Do my skills fit into your program?


  1. Are my career goals compatible with the college’s majors
    and programs?

  2. Am I allowed time to make up classes and tests missed
    because of the competition schedule?

  3. Am I qualified to meet admission standards?

  4. Are tutors provided for athletes?

  5. What percent of freshmen graduate? Graduate with their

  6. What is the college’s policy toward student athletes dur-
    ing summer session?

  7. Will I have an academic advisor?

  8. Will the coaches provide any guidance if I have academic

  9. How many hours of studying per day is average for my

  10. Do professors teach?


  1. Do I receive a written contract/tender?

  2. If I get injured or become sick, will I lose my financial aid?

  3. What medical expenses does the college cover?

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