Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
a coach believes you have no other options, often he/she
will try to recruit you for as little as possible. That way, he
or she can use the unused resources that you didn’t receive
for some other recruit who is bargaining more effectively
than you are.

  1. Remember, ask if the coach is recruiting other athletes for
    the same position. Why? This question signals the coach
    that you have a grasp of a fact basic to recruiting: that
    most coaches are recruiting (and usually saying the same
    things to) more than one prospect. (In cases like this, the
    coach is stringing someone along. Is it you?) If the coach
    really wants you, he/she will know that you understand
    the foregoing facts and may be eager to make you an offer
    that is satisfactory to you.

  2. Gain admittance to several colleges that you have visited
    that have the right ingredients for you to be a successful
    student athlete. Why? If you are admitted to a number
    of institutions that are recruiting you, you have two very
    important benefits:

  • The coach can begin working early with other depart-
    ments (admissions, financial aid, athletic, housing, etc.)
    in order to insure that you receive all the financial aid and
    other benefits to which you are entitled.

  • You can honestly tell any coach that you have been
    accepted at other colleges that are recruiting you. With this
    weapon you can bargain from a position of strength.

Sleazy Recruiting Tactics

While the majority of college coaches are people who wish to

be a positive influence on the student athletes they coach and

are fundamentally honest, a minority of them have little interest

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