Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Why Prospects and Families Get Hurt 101

in you beyond your helping them have a winning program and

thus keeping their jobs. These are harsh comments about some in

the coaching ranks, but it is sadly the truth. Be alert for them.

The following points can help you recognize sleazy recruit-

ing tactics and therefore, the coaches to avoid:

  1. A coach who has a “booster” contact you or tells you that
    a “fan” will contact you about the program. The NCAA is
    making a concerted effort to eliminate from the recruit-
    ing process those persons who have “an interest” in the
    program. Even if they offer you nothing, which is highly
    unlikely, you are in violation of the NCAA guidelines.
    Even though the NCAA often looks the other way on many
    violations, to its credit it severely punishes those who vio-
    late the “booster” rules. Even if you just talk to a “booster,”
    you jeopardize your future with the NCAA. Refer to the
    NCAA Guide for College-Bound Student-Athletes.

  2. A coach who promises that your “best friend” can walk
    on. This coach has no interest in you or your friend. He
    is manipulating you by dangling a false hope in front of
    your friend.

  3. A coach who promises you a starting position your fresh-
    man year. Or one who guarantees that you will be an
    All-American, national champion, or have a professional
    career in sports primarily because you compete for him/her.
    (Remember, there is a difference between a guarantee and a
    statement about your potential.)

  4. Coaches who “trash, slam, or bum raps” other colleges,
    programs, or coaches. If coaches can’t persuade you to join
    their program because of its qualities and their coaching
    abilities, you’d be a fool to enroll. Be especially alert for this
    sleazy tactic.

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