Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Some coaches may tell you that the academic program
    in the field of study you plan to pursue is the “best in
    the nation” at their college or some similar hyperbole.
    Consult with your high-school counselor, or there are a
    number of publications, easily accessed on the Internet,
    to check the accuracy of that statement. It is usually a
    sleazy recruiting tactic.

  2. Some coaches may promise you easy courses, easy profes-
    sors, and no academic pressure. These coaches have little
    concern about your future beyond helping their program.
    By making your academic requirements easy, the coaches
    have done you no favors. After all, you are going to do
    more important things in your life than compete in ath-
    letic contests. You’ll need a good education that requires
    you to rise to high standards if you are to be successful in
    those more important things.

  3. Student guides that invite prospects to parties where
    alcohol, drugs, or sexually provocative activities are,
    unfortunately, not uncommon. There are many reports
    of these sleazy recruiting tactics in Division I football and
    basketball, but there is anecdotal evidence of this sleazy
    tactic being employed at other divisions and other sports.
    If you experience this on a visit, you know that the coach
    has sunk to odious recruiting depths and has no interest
    in your success or welfare as a student athlete.

  4. There is substantial evidence that some (usually Division
    I football/basketball) coaches have offered substantial
    inducements to prospects to enroll in their school and
    compete for their team. Some have even offered money to
    high-school coaches if they would “steer” a blue-chip ath-
    lete to a certain school. Recently, a credible allegation has

102 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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