Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
And the NCAA has raised the minimum number of Division
I varsity teams from fourteen to sixteen, which means that
fifteen to thirty new prospects must be recruited.
Effectively using the information in this book requires that
you have discipline, courage, and persistence (fundamental
traits of successful athletes). If you studiously follow its sug-
gestions and techniques and are in fact qualified to compete
in college (either a four- or a two-year school), both in the
classroom and in your sport, you can look forward to being
successfully recruited and receiving significant financial aid
for your athletic ability.
Throughout, you will find state-
ments, which give you the facts: the
truth. As is so often the case, the truth
has a hard edge. Usually the truisms
located in this book are hard-edged.
Often you will not want to hear them.
Why? Because they will force you to
clearly recognize that a journey toward
your athletic and academic dreams
will not be convenient or easy.
Many college coaches/recruiters aren’t going to like that
you will know their recruiting secrets. Their vested interest
in recruiting as many good athletes as they can for the least
amount of money is jeopardized. Because they know the
secrets, they can keep you confused. Your confusion benefits
them. You are about to slash through the confusion so you can
get what you want and deserve. So a word of caution: when
communicating with coaches or the NCAA, be very discreet.

4 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide



Tr u T h Is

If it were easy,

everyone would

do it.

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