Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Athletic Tender. This document has two purposes:
    a. To describe the type and amount of athletic financial
    aid (and only the amount of athletic financial aid) you
    will receive if you choose to attend that college.
    b. To secure your attendance at the institution and to bar
    you from competing at any other NCAA institution.
    You can sign the Award Letter, and even though it is unethi-

cal, you could still decide to attend a different institution.

However, if you sign the Athletic Tender, you can compete

only at that NCAA institution. Do not sign one without know-

ing the contents of the other. If you do sign one without

knowing the contents of the other, you lose virtually all your

negotiating leverage. The best insurance is to only sign the

two of them at the same time.

110 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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