Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Awarding of Athletic Financial Aid 111

Athletic Tender of Financial Assistance

Bunkerschnives University
Athletic Tender of Financial Assistance

____ _____

Name of Applicant Date
Street Address
________________________________________ h Initial h Renewal
________________________________________ ____ Academic Year
State, Zip
Date of Entrance
________________________________________ _________________________
Sport In University

  1. This Tender represents all commitments to you by Bunkerschnives University
    and is subject to:
    a. Fulfillment of the admissions requirements of Bunkerschnives University;
    b. Fulfillment of NCAA academic eligibility requirements; and
    c. Fulfillment of financial aid requirements set forth by the NCAA and Bun-
    kerschnives University.

  2. This Tender covers the following as checked:
    h a. Full Grant: Includes tuition and all fees, standard room (double occu-
    pancy), and board (meal plan 1).
    h b. Partial Grant of _____

  3. You will be eligible for a year-to-year renewal of the Tender according to this
    University’s renewal policies at the end of the academic year. Should you fall
    below the academic eligibility GPA requirement, you will be allowed a one-
    semester probation period to increase your GPA to the required status.

  4. If you wish to accept this Tender, please return four (4) signed copies of this
    form to the Athletic Office no later than ___


__________________________________ _________________________________
Director of Athletics Financial Aid Director
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