Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Financial Aid Limits 125


Many high-school football players who are college prospects

get strung along as they seek roster positions and financial aid.

Remember, coaches aren’t trying to harm any prospect; their

priority is fielding a winning team.

Good college football coaches create a prospect depth chart

for the positions for which they are recruiting (computer

software is available that helps coaches organize both a depth

chart and a prospect chart). If you watched the movie We Are

Marshall, you saw a wall board sample of a Recruiting Depth

Chart. A coach’s preference would be to recruit the prospect

that is their first choice (number one on the position depth

chart). They know, however, that often they will lose their

first choice to another college, so they need to have a second

and third choice, perhaps even more.

To be certain that coaches keep all the prospects on the depth

chart strongly considering their programs, they usually treat

all prospects as if they were their first choice. If you happen to

be the coach’s third or fourth choice, you may think you’re as

good as successfully recruited because of the way the coach talks

to you. But more likely than not, the phone calls and promises

will abruptly stop because the coach has successfully recruited a

prospect higher on the position depth chart. Some coaches will

call to tell you that you are no longer be considered for athletic

financial aid, but unfortunately, too many don’t and families get

hurt. (A rule they know and one you may not know.)

You must never allow yourself to be strung along. You

must ask early in the recruiting process where you are listed

on the recruiting depth chart for your position. Coaches

rarely deceive a prospect when asked a direct question. If you

are listed as number three, for example, but you really want

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