Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

coach, who they liked, and explored the campus with a student

guide who was also a basketball player. My client was able to

ask questions of the guide, the coach, the athletic director, and

others at the admissions office. The tour ended at the financial

aid office. The officer presented a financial aid package that I

felt was quite generous, filled with impressive grants, awards,

and loans, but no athletic scholarship. Her father knew not to

expect any, but did some negotiating using the college’s grants

as a basis. He knew from our discussions that he should negoti-

ate if he felt that she should receive more aid. They both knew

that this college was their first choice even though there were

two others that they were in serious discussions with.

He reviewed the award letter in front of the officer and

declared that it was close to what he had hoped but that he

“needed a little more help to get the package to match another

college’s offer that interested his daughter, as well.” The officer

asked which college, and found that it happened to be in the

same conference. “How much more have you been offered?”

It was approximately $1,000. The officer said that she would

review the package with the financial aid director and get back

to them the following day, which she did. “We can give you

an additional $500 in your academic award.” As I suggested,

he replied, “I’m sorry, but that is $500 that will be very dif-

ficult for me to pay, isn’t there anything else that can be

done?” He then shut up. The officer said that she didn’t have

the authority to offer any more and suggested that he call the

women’s basketball coach. He did and explained what had

transpired with the financial aid office and that even though

her school was their first choice she would be attending the

other school and playing basketball for them. The coach asked

him to give her another day before a commitment to the other

Solving the Division III Athletic Financial Aid Mystery 131

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