Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Solving the Division III Athletic Financial Aid Mystery 137

officers, can interpret that term to fit certain needs), and spe-

cial skills. Hey! We need takedowns.

A confidential study by the National Association of College

and University Business Officers Director of Research Robin

Jenkins says, “The price warfare is beginning to resemble the

frequent-flier programs in the airline industry.”

As recently as August 2004, the NCAA’s Executive Committee

has approved a rule requiring institutions to file, by December

2004, with the NCAA their individual and conference recruiting

regulations in an additional attempt to force colleges to comply

with the recruiting rules. Violators would face NCAA sanctions.

After receiving a profile from one of my clients, a Division

III state university contacted him to ask if he would come

in for a visit to discuss playing football at the school. As it

was a relatively small college with an unremarkable football

program, I encouraged visiting because he might be able to

start as a freshman, which was important to him. He had

mediocre grades and a 17 on the ACT and would have been

unable to attend any Division I or II institution, yet was told

by the coach that that wouldn’t be a problem. I called the

school and had a catalog sent to him. We met before he and

his mom went on the visit, that was to a neighboring state. It

was no surprise to me, although it was a shock to his mother

and him, that according to the catalog he would be required

to pay out-of-state tuition to the tune of $1,965 per semester.

They knew they couldn’t afford that amount; as a matter of

fact, the prospect could only afford to go to a school where a

financial aid package equaled nearly a full ride. The mom was

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