Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

138 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

reluctant to spend the money to go on a two-day college visit

with little hope of her son being accepted. I called the coach,

who of course knew that the prospect was on my service, and

shared with him the prospect’s mother’s reluctance and asked

him if he would “handle” the trip. He agreed to make it an

official visit. I never spoke to him again.

I prepared the mother for the visit in the same manner the

book prepares you for a college visit. We especially focused on

the out-of-state tuition. During the interview with the coach,

the mother expressed her inability to handle the costs of the

prospect’s education at that institution. The coach replied

by asking her not to make any decision until he had talked

with the people in admissions and financial aid. He explained

to them that he couldn’t accompany them to either office

because of recruiting rules, but he was confident that her son

would be offered a good package. When they were finished

being presented with the financial aid package, he told them

to ask the officer to call him and he would come to get them

to take them to lunch. To their astonishment, they found that

they were eligible for a full Pell Grant, a hefty academic award,

a Stafford Loan, a minority/diversity grant (the prospect was

Hispanic), a Leadership Award, and a waiver of the out-of-state

tuition. Their out-of-pocket expenses were $785 per semester,

which they could cover.

Even though my client struggled academically for the first

year, he not only snagged the roster position, he was a starter

after the second game of the season. He accepted the academic

challenge his sophomore year, became a small college football

hero, and graduated with honors.

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