Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Interdepartmental Communications 141

often play a crucial role in a student athlete’s enrollment in an

NCAA Division III or NAIA institution.

So if you are convinced you are a Division I prospect, but

you feel you are being overlooked or are being strung along,

your best choice for continuing your education and your ath-

letic career, as well as receiving financial aid for your athletic

ability, may well be at Division III or NAIA.

Recently, an Indiana high-school football prospect was con-

tacted and pursued by Purdue. Evidently, he fell so low on the

depth chart that the calls from the Purdue coaches stopped. No

explanation—just stopped! Then Ball State, another Division

I college, albeit I-AA, began calling and discussed potential

financial aid for the prospect’s football ability. Wow—he was

excited! He’d still get to compete in Division I. He discovered

he wasn’t #1 on the depth chart when Ball State signed a pros-

pect from Michigan. He was then contacted by Division III

Franklin College. With his opportunities rapidly disappearing,

he visited the college and talked with the football coach. “Our

high school is bigger than Franklin,” he told his high-school

coach. He decided that Division III was beneath his Division

I ability. But as signing day approached and he realized he

wouldn’t be sitting with his teammates, his coach beaming

behind him, signing a letter of intent on signing day, he swal-

lowed his Division I pride and asked his high school coach

to call the Franklin coach to tell him he’d play for Franklin.

After a few days of practice, the high school prospect that had

convinced himself that he was a Division I prospect called his

high school coach to tell him he was going to leave Franklin

and come home. The coach incorrectly concluded that his

former player just didn’t like playing at the Division III level.

“Coach, I’m the worst player on the team!” He remained at

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