Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Interdepartmental Communications 145

The twins have graduated and

are both successful teachers.

Other Benefits for

Student Athletes

As a former public school teacher

and retired School of Education col-

lege faculty member, there are few

stronger advocates for strong aca-

demic attitudes and performance by

student athletes. However, I’m real-

istic enough to recognize that some

prospects simply don’t have the

academic credentials to enter the

nation’s top ranked colleges. That

said, athletes often receive preferen-

tial treatment regarding admissions,

even at the snootiest of institutions.

If a college determines that a pros-

pect can help a team win, generate

substantial and positive public relations, increase the school’s

brand recognition, and help sell tickets, some admissions leg-

erdemain may well be applied for that athlete. (Remember,

institutional methodology.) Recently, it was determined that an

athlete had better than a 50 percent admissions advantage over

a student with the same SAT/ACT score, even better than the

highly publicized admission advantages enjoyed by minority

and legacy admissions.

You may not be quite as competitive academically as other

students applying for admission and still be admitted to many

Division II, III, or NAIA colleges. Your status as an athletic



Tr uT h Is

The NCAA hasn’t

yet perfected the

resources and it

appears to have

little desire to

monitor Divi-

sion III intensely

enough to discover

and punish the

institutions that

are intentionally

violating the rules.

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