Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Your ultimate negotiating weapon is provided to you free of

charge by the college’s Financial Aid Office, sometimes called

the Office of Financial Planning or Financial Planning Office.

That weapon is the Financial Aid Award Letter. It is a letter

or form from the college, which states by line item what finan-

cial aid awards, grants, loans, work study, etc. you are being

offered. See sample Financial Aid Award Letter on page 107.

As you can see, the form is structured in such a way that

you can indicate whether you accept or decline each item in

the financial aid award package. The form identifies a date by

which the completed form must be returned. If the financial

aid offered on the Financial Aid Award Letter is not acceptable,

or not what you agreed to with the coach, admissions coun-

selor, or financial aid officer, you must return it.

But first send a photocopied form to the coach with a note

indicating why you’ve returned the letter or form and ask him/

her to help you get what you want and deserve. If the coach

wants you on the team, it is highly likely that someone from

the institution’s Financial Aid Office will be contacting you

shortly to review your financial aid package. Probably they will

“modify” the financial aid award to better meet your needs.

This is typically the type of situation for serious negotiation.

chapter 23

The Ultimate

Negotiating Weapon

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