Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

You must be ready to use all your negotiation strategies and

techniques presented to you in chapters 10, 11, 13, and 15. Gen-

erally, what you receive with the first Financial Aid Award Let-

ter is your individual sticker price. It’s the price that institution

hopes you will settle for. The sticker price can often be changed

through negotiations. Remember the “souk-like haggling” men-

tioned in chapter 1? This is when very serious haggling happens.

Be prepared to negotiate.

Here are some suggestions for your negotiation opener:

I’d love for my son/daughter to come to your college, it’s his/her

first choice and ours, too. For him/her to go there, we need a little

more help than what is in the award letter. Could you take a look

at the package and see if my son/daughter can be awarded an addi-

tional $500/$1,000/$3,000 or more?

We’ve nearly got a deal here. We need an additional ($750) for

my son/daughter to be able to attend the university. Can you review

the package and see if in the financial aid director’s professional

judgment the amount of the award could be increased? [Using

this description subtly informs the coach that you are aware of

a rule that most parents and prospects don’t know.]

I’m sorry, but I was under the impression that my son/daughter

would qualify for ($12,500) in financial aid. The award letter only

provides for an ($11,000) package. My son/daughter won’t be able

to attend unless he/she receives that level of help. That will be a

shame because you are our first choice.

On the other hand, if the coach can’t get additional financial

aid or doesn’t want to ask the Financial Aid Office for more aid,

158 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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