Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

It’s easy. Easier said than done. But you can ensure the kind

of future you want for yourself by understanding that those

who are the most successful in life recognize that there is no

substitute for the will to prepare.

You first prepare by planning. As you know, very few high

school athletes continue their athletic careers in college. Just

to remind you, less than 10 percent of high-school football

players will play in college. Less than 5 percent of high-school

basketball players will play in college. Even if you receive a

questionnaire from a college coach, the odds are better than

50 to 1 against you receiving a roster position on that college

team. So you must prepare for more important things than

competing in athletic contests. You must prepare academically

to be successfully recruited, as well as being prepared for the

more important things coming in your future. Here’s how:

Freshman Year

  • Get a physical examination from a doctor; present the
    results to your school’s athletic department.

  • Meet with your counselor; tell him/her of your goal of
    playing college sports.

chapter 24

How Do I Contribute to

My Future Success?

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