Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

162 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

  • Ask for an academic course plan that prepares you to meet
    or exceed the core curriculum requirements that includes
    courses that can make you an attractive prospect.

  • Meet again to discuss your sophomore schedule to be cer-
    tain you are taking courses that meet the NCAA standards.

Sophomore Year

  • Prepare for the ACT/SAT by taking the PACT/PSAT. Take
    the test at least twice, and more often if possible.

  • Watch the NCAA video–ABC’s of Eligibility for College-
    Bound Student-Athletes. Your counselor or athletic director
    should have a copy.

  • Meet with your counselor at the end of the first semester
    to review your transcript and plan your junior courses.

Junior Year

  • Tell your coach you want to continue your athletic career
    in college.

  • Take PSAT/PACT again for a final practice before taking
    the test at the National Testing Site.

  • Get a copy of NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-
    Athlete. Be certain you are complying with all the regula-
    tions. Discuss the Guide with your parents.

  • Attend your school’s college search day. Talk with all
    schools in which you have any interest.

  • Send profiles to at least 50 colleges during the early part of
    your second semester.

  • Sit for the SAT or ACT on the National Testing Date in
    the winter. Be sure to see your score as soon as possible. If
    you’re not satisfied with the score, sit for the test on the
    spring National Testing Date.

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